Friday, October 12, 2012

Just another fantastic Friday

So, I'm super lucky to work at a drug store post graduation (only slightly sarcastic). And, just like at every reputable place we have vendors.

Just in case you're not sure what that entails, I'll share. We have food, drink, wine, and even beauty vendors who bring product to the store, take old product, rotate, produce displays and other fun things. Needless to say, we see these people often. And are very thankful we have them!

So, this glorious Friday morning at the beautiful hour of 7:30 AM, in walks our bread guy.

He's really nice and always goes the extra mile to make things easy on us! He comes in, rotates stock and then goes out to his truck to get the order so we can do the check in and return at the same time (I get to do vendor check ins with our spiffy SPA gun).

So, out he goes to get the order and I decide to continue with some work and fill candy backstock at the register.

About 5 minutes later, I hear this child positively screeching in the parking lot. I kind of glance towards the doors, but I can't really see anything behind the vendor truck. I'm a little worried some poor kid got hit by a car or is getting abused or murdered or some horrific occurrence.

Freaking out, I debate for a few seconds on whether or not to abandon my post to verify that someone's not dying, when my vendor comes back in shaking his head.

Presuming he has the DL on the sitch outside, I proceed to worringly ask, "Is that kid out there screaming okay?"

My inner goody goody has to make sure you see.

Unfortunately, this was not my day to be a good samaritan. Today was a ton filled with a plethora of mishaps. And this, this child screaming was only the beginning.

It turns out I ended up telling our macho bread vendor that his singing voice sounded like a screaming child in pain...

It was awkward. I blushed. He cringed. I'll continue to see him 3-4 times a week.

Yay :) (more than slightly sarcastic)

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