Monday, July 23, 2012

Good in the Bad

Welcome back, sweet readers!

I just know that you've been anxiously awaiting the second post.

I am still working (read dying) at the drugstore because it appears I am incapable of securing a big girl job for myself. It truly isn't that bad - most days. The people I work with are great, actually around my age. And one of the girls makes a point of organizing fun things for us to do outside of work.

I truly don't mind it as long as I'm not on register (which unfortunately happens frequently), but I just feel like such a failure without a job in my field. Though I know it's not true, I feel like all anyone asks me about is "how's the job hunt" or "interviewed anywhere yet" or some form of inquiry about my laze-about-self. It kind of makes me wish I could curl up and in a ball and die. Seriously.

It is BEYOND frustrating seeing other people your age suceeding when you aren't. It just has a way of tearing you up inside and gives the devil a foothold for such self hate. I despise it. And of course, the minute I act aggravated (especially with the parentals) the lectures begin.

And lectures always bring about brighter moods!

So, this morning at the lovely hour of 8 AM (weren't you so surprised to get a text back so quick?!), I found out that I had the most amazing opportunity to see two of my very best friends from college that were making a small trip south of the river to see some Student Life friends and...ME! It was absolutely fantastic!

I laughed, smiled, chatted, caught up, and getting to spend that quality time with my sweet friend and her amazing husband totally changed my attitude and gave my spirit the boost it needed to get through the rest of the week.

In my life, it is a proven fact that ice cream and best friends manage to work miracles .

So, with my new attitude and smile happily on my face I am ready to face another work week at CVS. I'm sure, at times, it'll get me down, but I know that I have an amazing girl's weekend trip to look forward to for my birthday and I have been blessed with some of the sweetest friends who will keep me company on the hour TO and BACK from Sonic (thank you Miss Em) and will squeal with me on the phone as we catch sight of each other's cars for the first time in over a month and then execute a super fun running to hug each other scene!

It so so wonderful to see them and they helped remind me that I have so much in my life to be thankful for and so many blessings that abound. I am ready to take on this week with a fierce attitude!

Shoppers, beware.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Is this real life?

When the dean of the college of Sociology handed me my fake bachelor's degree a month and a half ago, I did not expect to be sitting up at midnight creating a new blog. Yes, a new blog. You see, dear readers, I have already started and abandoned two others so I'm hoping that this third one is the charm. Of course, I have a bad habit of starting things like this and never finishing. But, I was able to get the website title I wanted on the first try, so that's definitely a good sign. Right?

Anyways, I didn't think I would be starting a new blog because I though that my fabulous self would already be so involved in a fantastic world-changing new job with so many new great coworkers turned best friends while still having the time to have meaningful conversations will all my old best buds I wouldn't have time to spend my late hours up writing to the world. WRONG.

Well, I do get to talk to my friends but the rest...zilch. Nada. Nothing. I am one of the fortunate nest returners that has moved back in with my parents. I'm wondering how long my willpower will last. I still am lacking the awesome job and instead work at CVS saving up money so that once the fabulous job comes along I can get the beautiful apartment. And since my parent's small suburb seems to skip the18 to 30 aged people, I still have no fabulous new friends. Oh the Places You'll Go huh,  Dr. Seuss? Thanks for that incorrect information.

For now, however, I'm happy to regale you with all the awkward moments of my life as I adjust to being a Sooner girl lost in Longhorn land. Now that I've been deposited in the real world you'll get to hear about my solitary church searching, job hunting, attempts to socialize, (non-existent) love life, fabulous friends I've left behind and any other random mumblings.

"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them" Walt Disney